This was the last week of TLA Launch. We discussed Change Management. We focused on the REDUCE acronym based on the book, The Catalyst: How to Change Anyone's Mind by Jonah Berger. It stands for Reactance, Endowment, Distance, Uncertainty, Corroborating Evidence. Examples were given of how to lessen the fear of change and get more people on board with them. For example, providing a menu of change options so that staff feels they have agency over the change. One option I never thought of was to "harness freemium" which is like a free trial to get others on board. If you are confident and have done the work necessary, the change should bring about a positive effect. Once people give that free trial a test run, they can see for themselves that the change is warranted.
Overall, I think the program was useful. We were the first cohort to do the program virtually, so some of the lessons had to be converted appropriately. It was nice that for a lot of the breakout sessions we were divided into similar libraries, though I always got lumped into the academic library group. Which wasn't a problem, per se, but I couldn't relate to everything discussed. I feel like five weeks was such a short time to adequately cover all topics. The topics they chose to cover (Emotional Intelligence, and Influence; Communication & Crucial Conversations; Team Work & Collaboration; Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion; and Change Management) are very substantial and a five-week course over any one of them probably wouldn't cover everything necessary. So in that sense, it was nice to get an overview of these important workplace topics. The teachers did provide further reading and did emphasize that they were always open to more questions. They also stated that they might have a reunion meetup since it's a lot harder to network virtually and it would be nice for us to meet each other in real life.
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