ALA Virtual 2020

With the uptick in COVID cases, the ALA annual meeting was virtual this year. This ended up working well for me since I wouldn't have been able to attend the in-person event. However, I was able to watch a lot of the webinars and felt like it was still a well-done event. 

My favorite presentation was Using “SIFT” to Teach Digital Literacy in a Democratic Society. It was a really well-done and very interesting presentation. Information literacy is something that I am very passionate about and I think that this new method is superior to the CRAPP method so often taught. The basic premise is teaching users how to use the internet to check the internet. So for instance, doing a reverse image search, checking well-known fact-checking sites like Snopes, and checking Google News. These are all really easy things that can be done to help users (though in the presentation they specifically talk about students) realize that not everything on the internet is reliable. 

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